


Patrick Sweeney answer

Patrick Sweeney 選手から寄せられたアンケート回答です。

[1]Why did you chose to come to the 2006 Japan Open?

I have always been intrigued with japaneese culture, and have heard the Japan open is the best tournament on the planet.

[2]Where did you hear about the Japan Open?

I have wanted to go to the last 2 Japan opens but missed out for one reason or another. But it wasnt until I went on a road trip with Mike Byrne that I was convinced. Mike told me he had the time of his life and that the Japaneese people could'nt have been nicer.

[3]Even though this is an Open Division event, what division do you usually qualify for (specify Men's or Women's)?


[4]What is your hometown?

Manhattan Beach California

[5]What is your favorite disc?

The Wraith has become my favorite driver While the Soft Rhyno is my putter. As for 150 class I am becoming very fond of the Z- Flick

[6]Do you typically throw 150 class discs?

I have always enjoyed throwing lighter weight discs. The Z-flick and the 150 Rhyno have both made it into my everyday disc golf bag. I have been having a lot of fun learning how to finess my shots rather than power through them.

[7]How long have you been playing disc golf?

I have been playing since the fall of 1997. So I guesas a little over 8 years now.

[8]Do you play more for fun or for the competition?

Fun, Fun,Fun, Fun, Fun. Although I do have a lot of fun when I compete.

[9]What is your most memorable event and why?

My very first tournament the 1998 El Dorado Open. Two weeks prior to the event not aware that their was such a thing as a disc golf event yet alnoe the pdga, I was playing by myself and the group in front of me offered to let me play through, They were practicing for the upcoming event and convinced me to give it a go. When I arrived at the tournament I thought it was pretty funny that everyone had disc golf related T-shirts on and was thuroughly impressed with how passionate most of the players were.

Fast forward to the present day I now have over 100 disc golf related articles of clothing and have become good friends with many of the players I competed with at that first event.

[10]What is your goal for the Japan Open?

To expand my horizens as a golfer and a person.